Protect Your Eyes from the Green Laser Pointer
Are you among the thousands of amateur astronomers who received a green laser pointer for Christmas and are a bit afraid to take it out of the box? Do the words “You’ll put your eye out.” ring in your head? Like you, I have a green laser pointer… and I’ve accidentally shot myself in the eye.
A green pointer with a simple on/off push button switch is not legally allowed to be sold above an output of 5mW in the united states and many other countries. This makes getting your hands on high power green lasers a little bit more tricky. If you know where to look, you can easily pick up high quality hand held and industrial laser goods right from the web through reliable retailers with no hesitation. But, if this is out of your budget and you're looking to laser pointers for sale cheap you may consider modding your pointer.
When it comes to green laser pointers, just remember to mind your manners. Accidentally getting “flashed” – or flashing someone else will make you look like one of the most horribly irresponsible astronomers known to mankind. Using a green laser pointer at a star party when someone is doing long exposure deep sky photography might also result in getting your tripod wrapped around your neck. At the same time, responsible use of a green laser pointer gives you an invaluable educational tool that’s as impressive as it is useful.
Now we very carefully heat the diode until the crystal has been visibly changed, its great to have a few diodes laying around to get the hang of which way the green crystal needs to be heated for proper beam propulsion, but make do with what you can. After you have heated and molded the crystal, from a round shape to an oval shape preferably, replace the diode into the laser casing. Return the pointers batteries and end-cap, then turn your green pointer on. Has the beams output power been increased? You will be able to tell immediately if you have drastically increased the output of your green laser, but if the change is slight or you have ruined your laser we may be out of luck.
laser pointers are usually rated Class IIIa or less which means that the power is low enough that the eye should be protected from permanent damage by natural pupil contraction, blink, and aversion reflexes. Two – Distraction and collateral damage – you wreck your car because someone pointed a laser pointer at you while you were driving. Three – Misinterpretation of intent – you get blown away by someone with a BIG gun who thinks you are targeting them with a laser sight.
I'm suggesting if you want a perfectly collimated long lasting green laser pointer, you purchase the higher output powers. These high tech gadgets come with warranties and there is no risk in losing your pointer entirely. But for everyone on a budget who really needs a 50mW green pointer or higher, you can always try (I want to stress the word TRY) to mod your green beam at home. Either way, be careful with all will give you the detail information.
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